Welcome to Serbonika’s Serbian Language Courses
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A1.1 Serbian Language Course
Course for the A1.1 or Beginner level (Početni nivo), including vocabulary, phrases, dialogues, cultural information, language structure, grammar lessons with exercises and quizzes.
Easy learning with flashcards, pictures, audios and exercises for learning vocabulary with useful phrases. The courses are composed so that you absorb and integrate the specific Serbian grammar rules together with the relevant vocabulary.
All content is organized in a logical sequence, following the most efficient A1.1 Serbian Curriculum, so you can easily learn Serbian alone.

A1.1 m1 Serbian Reading and Writing
Perfect your reading and pronunciation with this detailed course explaining all the Serbian sounds and letters

A1.1 m2 Introductory Serbian
Learn basic phrases and get ready for your first conversations in Serbian!

A1.1 m3 Beginner Serbian
Build your vocabulary and train to connect words and change their endings the Serbian way!

A1.1 m4 Serbian Cyrillic – Ћирилица
With this step-by-step Cyrillic guide, you will easily master all the Serbian Cyrillic letters.

A1.1 m5 Čitanka – Cyrillic Reader
In this course you will practice reading in the Cyrillic script and improve your general language comprehension.
A1.2 Serbian Language Course
Course for the A1.2 – Breakthrough or Upper Beginner level (Viši početni nivo), including vocabulary, phrases, dialogues, cultural information, language structure, grammar lessons with exercises and quizzes.
Easy learning with flashcards, pictures, audios and exercises for learning vocabulary with useful phrases. The courses are composed so that you absorb and integrate the specific Serbian grammar rules together with the relevant vocabulary.
All content is organized in a logical sequence, following the most efficient A1.2 Serbian Curriculum, so you can easily learn Serbian alone.

A1.2 m1 Serbian Verb Magic
Reveal the logic behind the Serbian verbs: learn their patterns and some weird exceptions!

A1.2 m2 Introduction to Verb Formation and Verbal Aspect
This short course will introduce you step-by-step to the Serbian verbal aspect and verb formation, by explaining 5x2 Serbian motion verbs.

A1.2 m3 Personal Pronouns in Accusative and “Secret Present”
This course is a real treat! Finally learn to use Serbian personal pronouns in accusative and read a whole fun story! Also learn useful expressions and idioms.

A1.2 m4 Čitanka – Cyrillic Reader
Take the next step in learning to read in the Cyrillic script and improving your general language comprehension.
A1 Serbian Vocabulary Builder
Easy learning with flashcards, pictures, audios and exercises for learning vocabulary with useful phrases. The courses are composed so that you absorb and integrate the specific Serbian grammar rules together with the relevant vocabulary.
For the best results, use them together with A1-A2 Serbian Language Courses.

V1 Ljudi (People)
Learn Serbian words and typical sentences related to people: family, friends, occupations and body parts.

V2 Životinje (Animals)
Learn words for pets, farm and wild animals in Serbian, with typical phrases and common similes

V3 Hrana (Food)
Hungry or thirsty? Do NOT start this course! Make sure to grab a snack before enrolling. Prijatno!

V4 Aktivnosti (Activities)
Learn 56 essential Serbian verbs in context and include them in your daily Serbian chats.

V5 Vreme (Time&Weather)
Learn how to describe time and weather, with typical phrases to say when something happens.
A2.1 Serbian Language Course
Course for the A2.1 or Waystage level (Prekretni nivo), including vocabulary, phrases, dialogues, cultural information, language structure, grammar lessons with exercises and quizzes.
Easy learning with flashcards, pictures, audios and exercises for learning vocabulary with useful phrases. The courses are composed so that you absorb and integrate the specific Serbian grammar rules together with the relevant vocabulary.
All content is organized in a logical sequence, following the most efficient A2.1 Serbian Curriculum, so you can easily learn Serbian alone.

A2.1 m1 The Complete Location Course
Get ready for total mastery of the locative case: your first major milestone in the Serbian case system!

A2.1 m2 Mesta i aktivnosti (Places and Activities)
Learn to describe daily activities and places we go and drill in 4 cases: Nominative, Accusative, Locative and Genitive.

A2.1 m3 What happened? Serbian Past Tense
What happened? Where have you been? What did you do? Let's explain all that in Serbian, using past tense with a ton of verbs.

A2.1 m4 Čitanka – Cyrillic Reader
Continue to improve your reading in the Cyrillic script through a variety of engaging texts and dialogues.
A2.2 Serbian Language Course
Course for the A2.2 or Elementary level (Osnovni nivo), including vocabulary, phrases, dialogues, cultural information, language structure, grammar lessons with exercises and quizzes.
Easy learning with flashcards, pictures, audios and exercises for learning vocabulary with useful phrases. The courses are composed so that you absorb and integrate the specific Serbian grammar rules together with the relevant vocabulary.
All content is organized in a logical sequence, following the most efficient A2.2 Serbian Curriculum, so you can easily learn Serbian alone.

A2.2 m1 Possibilities and Decisions: Serbian Modal Verbs
Learn to distinguish all the meanings of the Serbian modal verbs so you can understand all nuances and express exactly how you feel.

A2.2 m2 Plans and Presents: Serbian Future tense and Dative case
Easily absorb the Serbian future tense and Dative case by talking about weather and holidays, buying presents and sending postcards

A2.2 m3 Work and Travel: Serbian Instrumental Case
To chat about your work or hobby, travel and time, use the Serbian instrumental case. You'll master it here to easily express yourself!

A2.2 m4 Čitanka – Cyrillic Reader
Elevate your reading and listening skills and gain complete confidence in using the Cyrillic script.