Welcome to Serbonika’s A1 Serbian Vocabulary and Phrasebook Series!
Aktivnosti / Activities
Dobro došli! Welcome!
In this course you’ll learn to use 56 essential Serbian verbs. Of course, you will also learn a selection of typical sentences where these verbs are used in context.
You’ll be able to use all these verbs in your daily Serbian communication!
Upozorenje! Warning! Together with the verbs and phrases, you will practice their grammar – because grammar influences the meaning too.
This crash course will teach you to use grammar intuitively.
If you prefer to have formal instruction about using the verbs in the present tense first, please consult the Serbian Verb Magic Course.
The Vocabulary and Phrasebook Series goes well together if combined with Serbonika’s General courses, where you also learn about the structure of the Serbian language.
Do not neglect the general courses if your aim is to reach an advanced level!
If you think you already know this vocabulary, go for the exercises and quizzes. That way you’ll check if there’s still something you can work on.
Hajde da počnemo! Let’s start!