A2.2- 2 Plans and Presents: Serbian Future tense and Dative case

Planovi i pokloni   The Serbian Future Tense and Dative Case Course Planovi za praznike sa poklonima – plans for holidays with presents are a lovely occasion to learn the future tense and the dative case. Here’s why.   The Future Tense Truth is, in...

A2.2- 1 Possibilities and Decisions: Serbian Modal Verbs

Mogućnosti i odluke Possibilities and Decisions the Ultimate A2 Serbian Modal Verbs Course Mogu i treba, a da li hoću to da uradim? I can and I should, but do I want to do it?  Modal verbs are a fun and powerful addition to our expressive repertoire. They’re...

A2.1- 2 What happened? The Serbian Past Tense

What happened? The Serbian Past Tense Course Šta se desilo? What happened? Jump into this course that unfolds the Serbian past tense PERFEKAT step by step. Follow its logical sequence and learn one group of verbs at a time, as you keep building your vocabulary and...

A1.2- 3 Personal Pronouns in Accusative and “Secret Present”

Personal Pronouns in Accusative and a short story “Secret Present” Dobro došli! This course is a real treat! You will finally understand how exactly to use the accusative forms of personal pronouns. But not only that! You will also learn to use several...

A1.1- 3 Perfect Reading and Writing

Perfect Reading and Writing When learning Serbian pronunciation, you learn how to read and write at the same time. You simply learn letters and sounds represented by these letters: 30 letters for 30 sounds. In the Perfect Reading and Writing, you’ll learn...