A1 Serbian Vocabulary Courses

Serbonika’s Serbian Vocabulary Courses will help you retain basic Serbian vocabulary. They will introduce you step-by-step to the most important vocabulary and phrases you need to learn. We will focus on the specific words around various topics, and add the most typical sentences to learn these words in their natural context.

For the best results, follow the sequence of the courses and use them together with Serbonika’s A1 and A2 General Serbian Language Courses. Follow the links that interconnect them, or follow their order and complete them one by one. All the elements build one onto another in a logical network of knowledge.

A1 Serbian Vocabulary Courses

Easy learning with flashcards, pictures, audios and exercises for learning vocabulary with useful phrases. The courses are composed so that you absorb and integrate the specific Serbian grammar rules together with the relevant vocabulary.

For the best results, use them together with A1-A2 General Courses.


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People Vocabulary in Serbian

A1.1- 1V. Ljudi (People)

Learn Serbian words and typical sentences related to people: family, friends, occupations and body parts.

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životinje - anmals in serbian

A1.1- 2V. Životinje (Animals)

Learn words for pets, farm and wild animals in Serbian, with typical phrases and common similes

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hrana - food in serbian

A1.1- 3V. Hrana (Food)

Hungry or thirsty? Do NOT start this course! Make sure to grab a snack before enrolling. Prijatno!

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basic serbian verbs

A1.2- 1V. Aktivnosti (Activities)

Learn 56 essential Serbian verbs in context and include them in your daily Serbian chats.

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Serbian Vocabulary Time

A1.2- 2V. Vreme (Time, Weather)

Learn how to describe time and weather, with typical phrases to say when something happens.

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serbian vocabulary places

A2.1- 1V. Mesta (Places)

Ready for the city tour? Hop on a boat, go shopping, or hiking. Learn all the places inside this course!

Magdalena Petrovic Jelic

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