Serbian Language Workshops
Play and learn Serbian in an interactive setting
online and offline serbian language workshops
All levels: A0 – C2
Our professional teachers, together with our collaborators artists, help you learn Serbian in a new and refreshing way.
Kalendar radionica srpskog jezika
Serbian Language Workshops Calendar
TUESDAY, February 25
multiple time slots
Open door day
Come meet us!
All levels.
UTORAK, 25. februar
više dostupnih termina
Dan otvorenih vrata
Dođite da se upoznamo!
Svi nivoi.
SUBOTA 8. mart
Serbian language meetup
All levels. Svi nivoi.
ČETVRTAK, 27. mart
Muzičko veče
Nivo: A2+
Serbian Language Workshops
Online and OFFLINE Serbian Language Workshops
Join us in our Serbian language workshops to speak and play games in Serbian. Various Serbian language workshops for different levels, with one aim: speak and learn Serbian in a fun and efficient way.
Save your spot, apply now!
Applications by email: [email protected]
Please check your promotions or spam folder.
Levels according to CEFR
A0 – Starter (knows only a few words or phrases)
A1 – Beginner (understands a little, has learned some)
A2 – Elementary (confident with the basic topics and grammar)
B1 – Intermediate (understands main points of most common conversations)
B2 – Upper Intermediate – (communicates quite fluently about basic and abstract topics)
C1/C2 – Proficient Language User (speaks with native speakers and understands any content)
Idemo na kafu?
Let’s go grab a cup of coffee!
Every second Saturday of every month, Serbonika’s teachers are inviting you for a coffee, or tea.
Let’s play games and talk in Serbian!
Come meet your teachers in person after meeting them online, or simply come and meet other foreigners learning Serbian in Belgrade. Vidimo se u Beogradu!
Level: A0 to C2 – all levels welcome
Price: FREE except personal expenses
Learn more
Application and info: [email protected]
An Open Class for English speakers
a workshop for total beginners
Thinking to start learning Serbian with a teacher? Try our method!
Apply to meet a teacher from the Serbonika team and see how we work. This is a free workshop that promotes the conversational approach from the earliest phase of language learning.
When learning a language from a completely new language family, it takes quite an effort. Students who have tried many schools recommend our program and find it the best for learning Serbian. (Read reviews)
Offline: Serbonika, Beograd
Online: Zoom
Level: A0
0 knowledge of the Slavic language family
Apply at: [email protected]

An Open Class for Slavic speakers
for beginners who speak another Slavic language
Thinking to start learning Serbian with a teacher? Try our method!
Apply to meet a teacher from the Serbonika team and see how we work. This is a free workshop that promotes the conversational method from the earliest phase of language learning.
When learning a language from the same language family, it goes quickly and easily, if done with the right method. That’s why we work with Slavic language speakers in separate groups. We’re seeing tremendous success with Slavic speakers. (Read reviews)
Offline: Serbonika, Beograd
Online: Zoom
Level: A0 (total beginner)
Native or near-native speaker of a Slavic language
Apply at: [email protected]

Music Workshop
Muzička radionica
learn Serbian through songs
Our students say they remembered all the words from the songs we sang!
It’s no wonder. Learning a language with music is a very efficient technique. With a melody, new words easily “enter our ears”, and we memorize them. Moreover, the music we like, touches our soul. Songs often remind us of our experiences and provoke strong emotions. And emotions are proven to sharpen our memory.
The exercises we create draw your attention to the most important words to remember. If you’re a musician yourself, you can bring over your instrument and play with us!
Kafanske pesme
deo muzičke radionice
Naučite pesme koje se pevaju u srpskim kafanama: stare i moderne kafanske melodije. Upoznajte se sa kafanom i istražite njen značaj, uz meze i rakiju
Muzička pratnja: profesionalni muzičari i profesori muzike.
Nivo: A1+ Sloveni, A2+ ne-Sloveni
Mesto: Serbonika, Beograd
Prijave: [email protected]

Cinema Workshop
Filmska radionica
Our students say that, after our cinema workshops, they understand better and are able to follow the film.
Wouldn’t you just love to understand Serbian movies and series better? Our teachers prepare you to understand the context and the most popular lines.
The Cinema workshop features a conversation with a teacher about the film and its historical context, about actors, key lines and all that is important for understanding the film.

Filmska radionica
priprema za gledanje filma
Filmska radionica donosi razgovor sa profesorom o filmu i njegovom istorijskom kontekstu, o glumcima, ključnim replikama i svemu značajnom za razumevanje filma.
Naši učenici kažu da nakon naših filmskih radionica razumeju i mogu da prate film.
Nivo: A1+ Sloveni, B1+ ne-Sloveni
Mesto: Serbonika, Beograd
Cinema Workshop
preparation for watching a film
The Cinema workshop is a conversation with a teacher about a film and its historical context, about actors, key lines and everything important for understanding the film.
Our students say that after our cinema workshop they understand and are able to follow the film.
Level: A1+ Slavs, B1+ non-Slavs
Place: Serbonika, Beograd
Bioskop Serbonika
gledamo film zajedno
Gledajte film sa profesorom. Dobićete dodatna objašnjenja.
Cena: besplatno za one koji su bili na pripremi za film.
Nivo: A1+ Sloveni, B1+ ne-Sloveni
Movie Night
watching a film together
Watch the movie with a teacher. Get additional explanations.
Price: free if you attended the preparatory workshop
Level: A1+ Slavs, B1+ non-Slavs
Serbian language workshops in galleries and museums
Poseta muzeju
učimo srpski u muzeju
Nivo: A1+ Sloveni, A2+ ne-Sloveni
Cena uključuje ulaznice, usluge licenciranog vodiča, asistenciju profesora.
Prijave i informacije: [email protected]
Visit to a Museum
learning Serbian at a museum
Level: A1+ Slavs, A2+ non-Slavs
Price includes tickets, licenced tour guide services, teachers’ assistence.
Application and info: [email protected]
Theater Serbonika
Teatar Serbonika
Drama workshop in Serbian as a foreign language.
Do you think acting is fun? In this workshop, you will practice using the Serbian language in ordinary and theater-like situations. You’ll train your vocal and expressive abilities. You’ll be an active part of a live improvisation and free yourself to speak Serbian!
Humor and improvisation are two main characteristics of our drama workshop. If you are shy, you will overcome your fear of public speaking!
After every workshop, our students feel amazing!

Teatar Serbonika
učimo srpski kroz glumu
Dramska radionica na srpskom kao stranom jeziku.
Vežbajte da koristite srpski jezik u običnim i pozorišnim situacijama. Bićete aktivan deo dramske igre i oslobodićete se da govorite srpski!
Nivo: A1+ Sloveni, A2+ ne-Sloveni
Mesto: Serbonika, Beograd
Theater Serbonika
learn Serbian through acting
Drama workshop in Serbian as a foreign language.
Practice using the Serbian language in ordinary and theater situations. You’ll be an active part of drama play and free yourself to speak Serbian!
Level: A1+ Slavs, A2+ non-Slavs
Place: Serbonika, Beograd

Terms & Conditions
- Check the time and register fast!
All the times are listed in the Serbian time zone. Compare your time zone here.
Spots are limited. Once the maximum places are taken, no more participants can be accepted.
- All recorded materials are intellectual property of Serbonika.
During our Serbian language workshops, we create various records. All such materials may be used by Serbonika to help others learn Serbian online or offline. Participants are encouraged to use the materials obtained for their personal needs. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
- Cancelation policy: 48 hours.
If you are unable to attend, send us a note 48 hours in advance. Otherwise, the spot is taken and you will be fully charged.
- Slow connection excluded from online workshops.
If the quality of your internet connection disrupts the quality of the workshop, the Host may exclude you without notice. You can rejoin with another device or connection.
By registering for a Serbian language workshop, you confirm that you have read and agreed to these Terms and Conditions.
School year 2024-2025
BEST Beginner Serbian Package
Online / Offline mini-Group Course
A1.1 – A1.2
DURATION: 32 lessons per level
Learn Serbian in a small group in an professional setting. The package includes:
- 32 live sessions with a teacher,
- printable digital class materials
- homework with personal feedback,
- 4 months of full access to the platform.
Elementary Serbian Course
A2 Course
Join a speaking group of learners who have completed the A1 level.
Apply here
Intermediate Serbian Course
B1 course
Join a speaking group of learners who have completed the A2 level.
Apply here
Some Past Workshops
7. jun 2023. 18h (6 pm)
Rođendanska pričaonica
The Birthday Workshop
Serbonika vas poziva u Rođendansku pričaonicu – pripreme za proslavu 4. rođendana!
Ova radionica je deo našeg Razgovornog kluba.
Platforma: Zoom, YouTube
Nivo: Rusi A1+ i ne-Rusi A2+

June 10, 2023 / 12-3 pm
Big Birthday Party
Come celebrate Serbonika’s 4th Birthday with us!
Every second Saturday of every month, Serbonika’s teachers are inviting you to Serbian language meetup Serbonikafa. In June, we have an especially important meetup:
We’re inviting you to Serbonika’s Big Birthday Party!
This workshop is a part of our Speaking club.
Invitees: All our current, past and future students
Level: All levels welcome

8. mart 2023. / 18h
Osmomartovska pričaonica
A Women’s Day Workshop
Serbonika vas poziva u Osmomartovsku pričaonicu!
Dođite i naučite da vodite diskusiju. Naučićete istoriju Dana žena i polemisati o ravnopravnosti polova. Naučićete da koristite važne reči korisne za argumentaciju, na primer:
Iako je ova radionica besplatna, ipak je jako zabavna i korisna.
Radujemo se i jedva čekamo da vas ugostimo! 🙂
Online: Zoom, YouTube
Nivo: A2+, Rusi A1+
Ova radionica je deo našeg Online razgovornog kluba.
Prijave na: [email protected]
PAST WORKSHOPS: Decembar 2021
4 HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS: “Praznične pričaonice”
4 free serbian language workshops
Speak Serbian with teachers and fellow learners in an interactive and fun workshop setting.
Our 3 teachers moderated 3 rooms with max 4 participants each.
- – Dec/8 Praznična kupovina: pričamo o poklonima i pravimo spisak za kupovinu
- – Dec/15 Najlepše želje: pišemo spisak želja, pravimo čestitke za prijatelje i rođake. Kako želja postaje cilj i kako da je ostvarimo
- – Dec/22 Praznična trpeza: pričamo o hrani i delimo recepte za specijalitete
- – Dec/29 Doček Nove godine: pripreme i planovi za doček, različiti običaji u različitim zemljama
March 11, 2021 – 5 PM CET
Speaking to Learn Serbian
Serbian language Workshop
Practice your speaking and listening skills together with fellow Serbian learners. Learn new words and practice using them in real-life conversation. Get instruction and immediate feedback from your teacher.
Student Testimonials:
“Puno hvala. Baš dobro je bilo :)” – Iveta
“Hvala puno za čas!” – Gabriela
“Hvala mnogo!” – Quaneesha
“Perfect!” – Jonathan
March 18 – 5 PM CET
Intermediate Serbian Speaking
serbian language Workshop
At this level, speaking and listening are even more fun. We’ll introduce ourselves and chat a little bit first. Then we’ll have a text to read and topic to discuss. You will learn many new words, get encouragement and instruction, and possibly meet a study partner.
Online: Skype
Minimum attendance: 2
March 22 – 5 PM CET
“Glagolići” – Introduction to Verbal Aspect and Verb Formation
Serbian grammar workshop
One of the trickiest segments of the Serbian language will be exposed gradually in this Serbian grammar workshop. You will also get a chance to speak a bit and give examples, but also ask questions you might have.
Online: Skype
Minimum attendance: 4
29. mart 2021. – 15h
Razgovori na srpskom
radionica za napredne nivoe
Dobro došli na radionicu za napredni nivo! Razgovaraćemo o raznim temama. Cilj je da obogatimo vaše mogućnosti izražavanja i da naučimo mnogo novih reči. Jedva čekam da počnemo!
Online: Skype
March 31 – 5 PM CET
Speaking to Learn Serbian
serbian language Workshop
Practice your speaking and listening skills together with fellow Serbian learners. Learn new words and practice using them in real-life conversation. Get instruction and immediate feedback from your teacher. Meet friends!
Thank you Magdalena, that helped a lot. My troubles in Serbian break down to building bigger vocabulary, speaking more, and learning to hear the language. This was good! – Steve