Fashion Vocabulary and Clothes in Serbian
Would you like to learn fashion vocabulary and clothes in the Serbian Language? In this page you’ll find words for different fashion items, clothes, shoes, accessories and jewelry, including verbs we use with clothing and example sentences. You can read and listen to native speaker pronunciation recordings.
Learn fashion vocabulary in Serbian
Basic Serbian vocabulary related to clothes, shoes and accessories. Read the word and click on the play icon to listen to the native speaker pronunciation.
Fashion vocabulary: Clothes in Serbian
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Odeća Clothes
pantalone (trousers)
farmerice (jeans)
trenerka (sweat suit)
helanke (leggings)
suknja (skirt)
haljina (dress)
venčanica (wedding gown)
majica (t-shirt)
košulja (shirt)
bluza (blouse)
duks sa kapuljačom (hoodie)
džemper (sweater)
odelo (suit)
sako (suit jacket)
jakna (jacket)
kaput (coat)
donji veš (underwear)
gaće (underpants)
grudnjak (bra)
potkošulja (undershirt)
čarape (socks)
Fashion vocabulary: Shoes in Serbian
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Obuća (Footwear)



All Star


cipele na štiklu
high heels

hiking shoes


flip flops

sobne papuče
indoor slippers


gumene čizme
rubber boots

cowboy boots
Clothing verbs in Serbian
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by Magdalena Petrovic Jelic
Founder of Serbonika
Serbian language teacher and entrepreneur, language lover and polyglot, but also a mother and a relentless storyteller. Read more about me.
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(to put clothes on)
(to put shoes on)
(to wear)
(to take off)
How to use fashion vocabulary and clothes in Serbian sentences?
If you liked this lesson, come on inside Serbonika’s courses and learn to build proper Serbian sentences with our Beginner Serbian course. In this course you’ll learn how to use all verbs, talk about your daily routine, including fashion and clothes in Serbian.
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