1. sezona – 2. epizoda – 26 minuta
My Daily Routine Serbian Language Podcast
“Moja dnevna rutina”
What’s better to do on the Serbian New Year’s Eve than to podcast? Is it a working day or a holiday in Serbia? Join me as I chat about our holidays and normal days, about my family’s daily routine in Serbian.
Some of the topics covered:
- working and non-working days in Serbia,
- Serbian New Year,
- family routine and days off,
- school holidays,
- the challenges of parenting a young child
- using perfective and imperfective verbs when talking about routines.
Did you get yourself a cup of coffee? Perhaps a notebook and a pen? Great! Let’s talk about our day-to-day life.
Read the list of words and phrases in Serbian listed below in the Vocabulary. That will help you understand more when you listen to “My Daily Routine Serbian language podcast” episode.
Daily Routine Serbian Vocabulary
sipati, sipam (to pour) Sipam hranu u tanjir. Sipam vino u čašu.
gore (up, upstairs; but also: worse)
radni dan (working day; week day)
neradni dan (non-working day)
raspust (school holiday) Deca su na raspustu.
poremećen, poremećena adj. (disturbed)
remetiti, perf. poremetiti (disturb)
buditi se, budim se (wake up)
doručkovati, doručkujem (eat breakfast)
voziti, vozim (drive)
počinjati, počinjem (start)
vratiti se, vratim se (return, come back)
odlaziti, odlazim (go, leave)
paliti, upaliti (light fire; start the engine)
izvlačiti se, izvlačim se (pull out; get away with; avoid duties)
spomenuti, spomenem (mention)
nahraniti, nahranim (feed)
predsoblje (foyer)
igraonica (playroom)
prati, perem (wash)
naterati, nateram (force)
privoleti, privolim (make someone do something)
uspeti, uspem (succeed, make it)
birati, biram (choose)
odlučivati, odlučujem (decide)
zaspati, zaspim (fall asleep)
ustati, ustanem (get up)
stići, stignem (arrive)
pokazati, pokažem (show)
zbrka (confusion)
pažnja (attention)
obaveza (duty, obligation)
brinuti, brinem (take care)
staviti, stavim (put); postaviti sto (to set the table for a meal)
ugrejati, ugrejem (warm up)
zalepiti, zalepim (to glue); lepak (glue)
osetiti, osetim (feel)
odvesti, odvedem (to take someone somewhere)
odvesti, odvezem (to take someone somewhere by car)
otići po nekoga negde: Otišla sam po Viktora u vrtić.
pokupiti (pick up): Pokupila sam Viktora iz vrtića
trčati, trčim (run)
trkati se, trkam se (race)
utrčati (run into)
pozajmiti, pozajmim (borrow)
zadržati, zadržim (keep)
izneti, iznesem (take out)
uneti, unesem (take in)
odneti, odnesem (take away)
završiti, završim (finish)
Aspect Pairs of Verbs Used
čitati – pročitati (to read)
gasiti – ugasiti (to extinguish)
buditi – probuditi (to wake someone up)
buditi se – probuditi se (to wake up)
kuvati – skuvati (cook)
piti, pijem – popiti, popijem (drink)
pisati, pišem – napisati, napišem (write)
PITANJA – Questions About Your Daily Routines
Kakva je tvoja dnevna rutina? – What is your daily routine like?
- Kada se budiš? – When do you wake up?
- U koliko sati ustaješ? – At what time do you get up?
- Šta obično doručkuješ? – What do you usually have for breakfast?
- O kome brineš? – Who do you take care about?
- Gde radiš? – Where do you work?
- Kako i kada odlaziš na posao? – How and when do you go to work?
- Kada se vraćaš kući? – When do you come back home?
- Koja je razlika između radnih i neradnih dana? – What’s the difference between working and non-working days?
- Šta se događa kada je tvoja rutina poremećena? – What happens when your routine is disturbed?
Meet The Host of Daily Routine Serbian Podcast

Magdalena Petrovic Jelic
Dedicated Serbian language teacher with a mission to create the best place on the web for learning Serbian. Polyglot and perpetual language learner. True grammar lover. Mother of a 3 years old Viktor and tireless story-teller.
Posvećena profesorica srpskog jezika sa misijom da stvori najbolje mesto na internetu za učenje srpskog jezika. Poliglota i večiti učilac jezika. Iskreni ljubitelj gramatike. Majka trogodišnjeg Viktora i neumorni pripovedač.
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