1. sezona – 4. epizoda – 35 minuta
Foreigners Speak Serbian #4
Corona in Serbia
Interview with Dr Chiheb Guerfel
Corona in Serbia 2020 is the main topic of this episode.
This is the 4th episode in the “Foreigners Speak Serbian” series of my Serbian language podcast. In this episode Magdalena and Dr Chiheb talk about the Corona in Serbia: the virus pandemic in 2020, the current situation in Serbia and how to deal with the epidemic.
Dr Chiheb Guerfel is a Tunisian who lives in Novi Sad, Serbia. He is a CEO and founder of Poseidon CRO group of companies engaged in epidemiologic and clinical research. Visit Dr Chiheb’s company website.
English and Serbian subtitles are available in the video.
We talked about:
– State of emergency in Serbia
– Corona virus pandemic
– Symptoms of the Covid19 disease
– What we can do in such circumstances
/Transkript intervjua/
Magdalena: Danas je 17. april 2020. godine. Prošlo je nešto više od mesec dana otkako je u Srbiji proglašeno vanredno stanje zbog epidemije korona virusa. Da vas podsetim, prvi slučaj korona virusa u Srbiji registrovan je šestog marta. A 15. marta proglašeno je vanredno stanje u zemlji.
Prema poslednjim podacima Instituta za javno zdravlje u Srbiji je do sada ukupno testirano 32.566 ljudi koji su ispunjavali kriterijume. Od toga je 5.690 zaraženih. 3.765 je hospitalizovanih ljudi. Na respiratoru je 122 osobe, a umrlo je 110 ljudi. Zaraženo je oko 600 zdravstvenih radnika, lekara i medicinskih sestara, petoro ih je preminulo.
Ali imamo i dobre vesti. Broj izlečenih je 534. Najavljeno je otpuštanje još 200 hospitalizovanih ljudi u narednim danima. U Srbiji je počela proizvodnja hlorokina, leka protiv korone. U Kragujevcu, ekipa inženjera i naučnika razvija četvrti prototip alternativnog respiratora koji će možda moći da se koristi i u kućnim uslovima.
Nove podatke o stanju u Srbiji, o korona virusu u Srbiji možete videti svakoga dana od 15 časova na sajtu Ministarstva zdravlja covid19.rs.
Iako su mnogi ispočetka sumnjali, sada je, nadam se, već svima jasno koliko je situacija ozbiljna.
Danas je sa mnom doktor Šiheb Guerfel, Tunižanin koji živi i radi u Novom Sadu i vodi grupu kompanija Poseidon CRO za epidemiološka i klinička istraživanja sa kancelarijama u Tunisu, Maroku, Mađarskoj, Crnoj Gori i Srbiji.
Doktore, dobar dan.
Dr Šiheb: Dobar dan.
/English translation/
Magdalena: Today is April 17, 2020. It’s been a little over a month since the state of emergency was declared in Serbia due to the Corona virus epidemic. Let me remind you, the first case of the Corona virus in Serbia was registered on March 6th. And on March 15th a state of emergency was declared in the country.
According to the latest figures from the Institute of Public Health in Serbia, 32,566 people who met the criteria were tested so far. 5,690 are infected. 3,765 people are hospitalized. On respirators there are 122 people, and 110 people died. About 600 healthcare workers were infected, both doctors and nurses, five of them died.
But, we also have good news. The number of people cured is 534. The release of 200 more hospitalized people was announced in the coming days. The production of chloroquine, a Corona drug, has begun in Serbia. In Kragujevac, a team of engineers and scientists is developing a fourth prototype of an alternative respirator that will perhaps be used at homes.
New data on the situation in Serbia, on the Corona virus in Serbia can be seen every day from 3pm on the Ministry of Health’s website covid19.rs.
Although many doubted at first, it is now, I hope, already clear to everyone how serious the situation is.
Today, with me is Dr. Chiheb Guerfel, a Tunisian who lives and works in Novi Sad and runs Poseidon CRO group of companies for epidemiological and clinical research with offices in Tunisia, Morocco, Hungary, Montenegro and Serbia.
Good afternoon, doctor.
Dr. Chiheb: Good day.
Meet The Host of the “Foreigners speak Serbian” Podcast

Magdalena Petrovic Jelic
Dedicated Serbian language teacher with a mission to create the best place on the web for learning Serbian. Polyglot and perpetual language learner. True grammar lover. Mother of a 3 years old Viktor and tireless story-teller.
Posvećena profesorica srpskog jezika sa misijom da stvori najbolje mesto na internetu za učenje srpskog jezika. Poliglota i večiti učilac jezika. Iskreni ljubitelj gramatike. Majka trogodišnjeg Viktora i neumorni pripovedač.
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