Pre-recorded Serbian Language Courses
Serbian Online Courses Shop
The Victor Package
Most popular: includes all A1.1, A1.2, A2.1 and A2.2 courses, together with A1 Vocabulary Builder + all future updates of these courses.
Instructor: Magdalena Petrović Jelić
Price: €499 / Access: 4 years
Price: €599 / Access: lifetime – BEST DEAL
A1.1 Beginner Serbian
If you only know a couple of Serbian words, start here to set a solid basis.
Value: €199
Access: Available in the A1 Breakthrough Serbian and the Victor Package.
A1.2 Upper Beginner
If you’ve learned Serbian for about three months but still can’t talk, start here.
Value: €199
Access: Available in the A1 Breakthrough Serbian and the Victor Package.
A1 Complete Breakthrough Serbian
A1.1 + A1.2 combined, ideal to complete your learning goals and save.
Price: €349
Access: 2 years
A1 Serbian Vocabulary Builder
Grow your vocabulary, learn words and sentences with pictures and exercises.
Value: €49
Access: Available in the Victor package only
Unsure about your level? Test your Serbian.
A2.1 Waystage Serbian
After learning Serbian for 6 months you feel there’s still so much to learn. Start here!
Value: €199
Access: Available in the A2 Elementary Serbian and the Victor Package.
A2.2 Pre-intermediate
Learning Serbian has been a real joy, but you feel you can do so much better with Serbonika!
Value: €199
Access: Available in the A2 Elementary Serbian and the Victor Package.
A2 Complete Elementary Serbian
A2.1 + A2.2 combined, ideal to complete your learning goals and save.
Price: €349
Access: 2 years
The Victor Package
Most popular: includes all A1.1, A1.2, A2.1 and A2.2 courses, A1 Vocabulary Builder + all future updates of these courses.
Price: €499 / Access: 4 years
Price: €599 / Access: lifetime – BEST DEAL
Unsure about your level? Test your Serbian.