Serbian Music Workshop
Sing along and Learn Serbian through music
Serbonika’s Serbian Music Workshop
learn Serbian through songs
Do you like to sing? Join our musical-language workshop with guitars and conversation. If you’re a musician yourself, you can bring over your instrument and play with us!
It’s fun to learn Serbian through music!
Learning a language with music is a very efficient technique. New words are easily remembered through songs. With a melody, they’re easily “entering our ears”, and we can easily memorize them.
Moreover, every song tells us a story and the music we like, touches our soul. Songs often remind us of our experiences and provoke strong emotions. And emotions are proven to sharpen our memory.
Try for yourself and see! Join our Serbian Music Workshop at the Speaking Club Serbonika in Belgrade. We’re looking forward to meeting you!
Serbonika’s Serbian Music Workshop
Learn Serbian with the most famous Serbian songs!
- August-September 2023. Kafana Songs / Kafanske pesme
- September 2023. Serbian pop songs / Pop pesme
Other music workshops:
- Serbia in songs / Srbija u pesmama
- Serbian and Yugoslav Rock / Srpski i jugoslovenski rok
- Love in Songs / Ljubav u pesmama
- Merry Songs / Vesele pesme
- Funny Songs / Smešne pesme
- Pop Music / Pop muzika
- Music Wishes / Muzičke želje
- Karaoke Party / Žurka sa karaokama
What you get
- A friendly welcome
- Teacher-assisted speaking practice
- Sing like nobody’s listening
- Chords, if you want to play your instrument
- Grammar explanations as needed
- Lyrics with vocabulary exercises
- Teachers’ help with understanding
- Lots of new words, expressions and idioms
- The most popular Serbian songs of different genres
- Hugs, refreshments and snacks
Radionica srpske muzike
učimo srpski kroz pesme
Da li volite muziku? Volite da pevate ili da svirate neki instrument? Srpski se odlično uči uz pesme!
Učenje jezika kroz pesme je veoma efikasna tehnika. Nove reči se lako pamte sa melodijom i osećanjima. Kažemo da nam “ulaze u uši”, što znači da možemo vrlo lako da ih zapamtimo.
Dođite na našu muzičko-jezičku radionicu uz gitare i razgovor!
Nivo: A1+ (Sloveni), A2+ (ne-Sloveni)
Mesto: Klub Serbonika, Beograd
Cena: 2.500 RSD
Prijave na: [email protected]
Serbian Music Workshop
learn Serbian through songs
Do you like music? Do you like to sing or play an instrument? It’s great to learn Serbian with songs!
Learning a language through songs is a very efficient technique. New words are easily remembered with a melody and emotions. We say they’re “entering our ears”, meaning that we can easily memorize them.
Join our music-language workshop with guitars and conversation!
Level: A1+ (Slavs), A2+ (non-Slavs)
Offline: Club Serbonika, Belgrade
Price: 2,500 RSD
Apply to: [email protected]
Serbian Music Workshop
Join us in our Serbian music workshops to sing Serbian, analyze lyrics, and learn Serbian through music.
You’ll learn to sing the most popular Serbian music of different genres, with one aim: sing, speak and learn Serbian in a fun and efficient way.
Serbonika’s Serbian Music Workshop is recommended for intermediate and advanced levels. Slavic language speakers can join in at A1 level and above.
Save your spot, apply now!

Serbonika's Serbian music workshop
Please check your promotions or spam folder for commucation from us. In case the form doesn’t work, please apply directly by email to [email protected] – thank you!