A1.1 Serbian Cyrillic
Српска ћирилица
Srpska ćirilica
Dobro došli u kurs ćirilice!
Whether you decide to write Serbian in Latin or Cyrillic letters, I bet that you want to be able to read anything written in Serbian, be it in Cyrillic or Latin.
Learning a language is not the same as learning its script. We will use the possibility to learn the Serbian language in a familiar script (Latin), and then learn the Serbian official script (Cyrillic) as well, as a separate task.
In this course you will learn to recognize all the Serbian Cyrillic letters and get used to reading Cyrillic. We start from scratch and learn letter by letter until all 30 letters are differentiated in our heads.
Ready? Let’s go!
Хајде да учимо ћирилицу!
Hajde da učimo ćirilicu!
Let’s learn the Cyrillic script!