1. sezona – 2. epizoda – 40 minuta
Foreigners Speak Serbian #2
A Tatar Teaches Serbian
Interview with Azat Fattakhov
How did it happen that a Tatar teaches Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin?
He wanted to help and travel the Europe. He found his quest in the Velebit mountain in Croatia, near the Adriatic sea, while taking care of the bears and educating tourists.
In less then a year he learned Croatian and Serbian so well that he started to teach new volunteers. He adopted a special method and helped them start having basic communication with Croats and Serbs on a daily basis.
In this Serbian language podcast, you’ll listen about how a Tatar teaches Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin now, how he started, and why he doesn’t teach Russian.
I present you Azat Fattakhov from Kazan.
We talked about:
– How to survive meeting a bear
– A very popular Russian method for learning languages quickly
– Differences and similarities between Serbian and Russian, Tatar and Turkish
– Vegetarian life in the Balkans
– What to focus on when starting Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin
Meet The Host of the “Foreigners speak Serbian” Podcast

Magdalena Petrovic Jelic
Dedicated Serbian language teacher with a mission to create the best place on the web for learning Serbian. Polyglot and perpetual language learner. True grammar lover. Mother of a 3 years old Viktor and tireless story-teller.
Posvećena profesorica srpskog jezika sa misijom da stvori najbolje mesto na internetu za učenje srpskog jezika. Poliglota i večiti učilac jezika. Iskreni ljubitelj gramatike. Majka trogodišnjeg Viktora i neumorni pripovedač.
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