1. sezona – 3. epizoda – 43 minuta

Foreigners Speak Serbian #3

Israeli Historian Speaks Serbian

Interview with Orel Beilinson

In this episode, I present you one of my most talented students, if not the most talented, Orel Belinson. 

How come this Israeli historian speaks Serbian so fluently?

It’s only one of more than 10 languages he speaks. The two Serbian scripts, Cyrillic and Latin, are a piece of cake, compared to the scripts he reads and writes daily, such as the Arabic and Hebrew scripts. But he read some even more complicated scripts, as you’ll find out in this interview. 

Join us as we talk in Serbian about languages, history and some politics, inevitably. (English and Serbian subtitles are available in the video.)

Visit Orel’s website to read more about him.


We talked about:

– Motivation and reasons for learning languages

– Why having a good teacher is crucial when learning “small” languages

– Political situation in Serbia and the surrounding countries

– Tourist experience and food in Serbia

Meet The Host of the “Foreigners speak Serbian” Podcast

Magdalena Petrovic Jelic

Dedicated Serbian language teacher with a mission to create the best place on the web for learning Serbian. Polyglot and perpetual language learner. True grammar lover. Mother of a 3 years old Viktor and tireless story-teller.


Posvećena profesorica srpskog jezika sa misijom da stvori najbolje mesto na internetu za učenje srpskog jezika. Poliglota i večiti učilac jezika. Iskreni ljubitelj gramatike. Majka trogodišnjeg Viktora i neumorni pripovedač.


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