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Clear structure

Serbonika is built according to the specific structure of the Serbian language, and takes into account your need for communication, understanding and practice.

The platform combines different methods into short courses. The courses and the lessons build one onto another. For the best results, simply follow the sequence of the explanations and exercises.

Made by Expert

Designed by, and under supervision of, a highly experienced Serbian language teacher and a polyglot with 20 years of teaching and learning languages.

Created after analyzing and testing dozens of language-teaching methods, the method has been tested, used and approved by teachers, polyglots, translators and other people. It has successfully taught hundreds of students.

Real life Serbian

Study materials are full of real-life samples so you can speak with confidence in the real world. You will study the language and culture side by side, so you’re ready for travel, family, friends, or work.

Completing unit after unit and course by course, you will understand and learn more. When you start speaking real life Serbian, you will feel as an accomplished and successful learner.

The Serbonika Method

“Working closely with hundreds of students and learning many languages myself, I have tried and tested countless methods. I observed what worked best and what gave my students a headache.

And I keep learning languages fine-tune my own method. Lately I have been learning German and Russian to observe the process of learning the cases as a student once again.

From the beginning of my teaching career, I’ve been creating materials that I’m now refining and including in Serbonika’s Serbian language courses. Finally, I have developed my own Serbian teaching method, that has proved to be the most efficient. This method is aimed to:

1) make you understand and speak Serbian in real life,

2) help you absorb the most relevant vocabulary,

3) and train you to form grammatical Serbian sentences with confidence.

Serbian Language Courses

Magdalena Petrović Jelić

Serbonika’s Founder and Course creator

Learn Serbian Now!

Because the sooner you start learning, the sooner you’ll start talking to your Serbian friends and family in their own language!


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