A2.1 m2 Mesta i aktivnosti (Places and Activities)

Serbonika’s A2 Serbian Vocabulary and Cases Drill Mesta i aktivnosti Mesta i aktivnosti  Places and activities Uvežbavanje padeža Cases drill   In this course, you’ll learn new vocabulary to describe daily activities and places we go, while at the...

V7 Moj dom (My Home)

Serbonika’s A2 Serbian Vocabulary and Case Drills Series Moj dom Dobro došli!  Welcome! In this course, you’ll learn all essential words to describe your home in Serbian: rooms, furniture, equipment and appliances. You will also learn how to use these...

V4 Aktivnosti (Activities)

Welcome to Serbonika’s A1 Serbian Vocabulary and Phrasebook Series! Aktivnosti / Activities Dobro došli!  Welcome!   In this course you’ll learn to use 56 essential Serbian verbs. Of course, you will also learn a selection of typical sentences where...

V6 Mesta (Places)

Welcome to Serbonika’s Serbian Vocabulary and Phrasebook Series! Mesta / Places Dobro došli!  Welcome!   In this course, you’ll learn all essential words for different places in the nature and in the city. You will also learn many typical phrases and...

V5 Vreme (Time&Weather)

Welcome to Serbonika’s Serbian Vocabulary and Phrasebook Series! Vreme / Time & Weather Dobro došli!  Welcome!   In this course you’ll learn all essential words for time and weather. In Serbian we use the same word for both: vreme. You will also...