Test Your Serbian Level

Online test

This test can serve to get the first orientation about your current level of Serbian. You will go through different types of tasks and your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary will be tested.

If you have no prior knowledge, you can directly enroll in the A1.1 Beginners course, no testing needed.

The test alone is not valid for enrollment in our courses. If you want to take one of the Serbonika courses, we will use this test and an online interview to determine the suitable course for you.

Duration: 20 minutes.
Price: Free

Speaking Exam

After you complete the written part online, we will contact you to schedule an interview on a video call. Please make sure to check your email for communication from us.

Testing is individual and gives a precise result, e.g. A1.2, B2.1. Based on your test and interview, we will determine your current level and advise you on course selection.

Duration: 30 to 60 minutes
Price: 10 eur *

* If you enroll in a language course at Serbonika within the next 3 months, we will reimburse you for the cost of the test.